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Euchre Multiplayer Online

FAQ and player support

How to contact support?

First, check if your question is already answered below.

If not, the preferred way to contact us is to use the CONTACT SUPPORT button inside the game itself. It's the last button on the main menu screen.

That way your support request will be linked with your account and we will be able to help you quickly.

Can I still contact you via email?

You can, by sending e-mail to Please note that this approach should only be used when you are unable to contact us through the app itself. The reason is that we store no player email addresses, so we cannot determine if you are an owner of some account. Someone could pose as you and request some changes to your account that you wouldn't approve.

How to start a new game with the same players?

Each table closes when the game is over. You should leave the table and enter a new one from the main menu. We do not allow multiple games in a row with the same players in order to reduce chance of players cheating and manipulating the rankings.

How to change the "Go Under" preference?

Go to YOUR PROFILE option on the main menu screen, and then click the button at the bottom of your profile screen.

Why did I lose all my points?

Monthly points reset at the start of each month. The same goes for points required for the next rank, except that 30% of the amount you have at the end of month is tranferred to the next, so it is easier to reach the next rank in the second month. Overall points and ranks you already achieved remain untouched as you can see in your profile. You can find more details about this in the Game Rules.

How to reach the next rank?

To reach the next rank, you need to win a certain amount of points during one calendar month. If you fail to win the required amount of points, 30% of what you have is transferred to the next month, so you do not start from zero. You can see the exact number required in the top-right corner of the main menu screen, right beneath your name.

I seem to get bad cards all the time

Consider playing with the Going Under rule. When this rule is active, you can exchange three cards in your hand with the cards in the kitty. To toggle the option, go to Your Profile from the main menu screen.

How to get coins?

You get 130 free coins every day: 80 when you log into the game and 50 after you play the first game. The day on the server starts around 4am Central. You can earn coins via achievements, earning new ranks and getting into top 10 players of the month. You can earn coins by winning in the Champions League competition.

Why I got less than 80 free daily coins?

The free Silver coins are capped to 200. If you have more than 120 when the day starts, you won't be able to receive all 80. Same goes for 50 coins you receive after the first played game. Make sure you play games and end the day with low amount of silver coins if you wish to get the maximum the next day.

Why I got no daily coins at midnight?

A new day on the server starts in early morning hours, usually around 4am Central.

Why I got no daily coins at all?

The coins are given once per day and this is checked every time you log in. If you received no coins for the current day, make sure you close the app completely and start it again.

I don't get the points added when I win a game

It is sometimes possible that the score on the main menu screen doesn't take the last game you played into account. To reload, just exit the game and start it again.

Is Stick The Dealer variant available?

This option is currently not available. As going-under is also optional, and we separate slow and fast players, having another option would fragment the players into 8 different categories, and with current number of players it would mean waiting much longer for a game to start Once we grow the player base more, we will consider adding STD as an option

What happens if I lose connection?

If you lose connection our server will keep playing instead of you and you would get as many points as your team manages to win. If you manage to get your connection up before the game has ended, you will see an option in the main menu to reconnect and continue playing.

Does a player have to have a trump in their hand to order the dealt card up?

The player is not required to have a trump. Some players consider this a useful strategy. For example, if you are up 9-6, you have a really bad hand, and you see that your partner passed on the bid, you might want to do that on purpose and get euchred for 2 points instead of risking one of the opponents going alone and winning them the game.

How do you get the "Riding with the spurs on" achievement ?

You need to win only by sweeping (taking all 5 tricks) or euchring opponents. If you win a regular point (by taking 3 or 4 tricks when you make the trump) you will not get the achievement. An example game to win this achievement could be one where you go alone once and take all five tricks, euchre opponents twice and go together and take all five tricks. Or you can also get it for a game where you euchre the opponents five times. This is one of the hardest achievements to win, because you need both skill and luck in the same game.

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