Privacy policy

Euchre Multiplayer Online game is run by Bigosaur doo. Bigosaur respects privacy of users, and is determined to protect it. The following document explains how we use, store or manipulate your data in resposible and professional way.

Information about users

Bigosaur collects 3 types of data: player public data, player private data and player connection data. Here's which data we collect in all 3 categories:

Bigosaur collects the following player public data: game account number, nickname or name under which they play, current player rank and statistics on points won and win percentage. This information is used to display ranking tables and show the players who are they playing with or against.

Bigosaur collects the following player private data: current amount of virtual currencies, purchase history and list of every game they played. This information is used to resolve any disputes regarding purchases or scoring in played games.

Bigosaur collects the following connection data: IP address, type and version of operating system. This information is only used to improve user experience and fix possible problems with certain versions of devices or certain Internet Service Providers. IP address data is also used to prevent cheating in the game.

Google Play Services

In order to make the login system transparent and frictionless, players are authenticated using Google Play Services. The game stores the authenticated playerId solely for login purpose, so that the same player can be recognized when they open the game in future. The playerId is the only information that game uses from Google Play Services API and it is used solely to authenticate the player when they start the game.

Obtaining your data in digital form

If you wish to get any of your data in digital form, please contact us via SUPPORT option in the main menu or via email

Updates to your data

If you wish some of your data updated, please contact us via SUPPORT option in the main menu or via email

Removal / deletion of data

If you wish to remove or anonymize any of your data, please contact us via SUPPORT option in the main menu or via email

We typically respond to all requests within 4-5 days. Guaranteed response times are:

If you don't want to use the SUPPORT option inside the game, or just need additional information, you can also e-mail us at Please note that using the SUPPORT option is preferred, because that way your request is automatically linked with your game account, so we can skip the step of identifying which account is yours and process your request much faster.

3rd parties

We only use your data to ensure normal operation of the game and NEVER share your data with 3rd parties.

Purchase information

Payment information is stored on Google's servers. We don't have access to your credit card details, PayPal account e-mail or any other related data. When you complete the payment, the only data we get is the information on item purchased and the amount you paid.

Updating, deleting data and other actions

Please contact us via SUPPORT option in the main menu inside the game (the bottom one on the main menu screen) or send e-mail to

Bigosaur reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy in the future. We provide the last change date for your convenience:

Last update: 2023-03-22