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Euchre Multiplayer Online

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Join the club

Prove yourself in monthly competitions to join the special championship reserved for the best players.

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Play live with real people

Cross platform play with thousands of monthly active players ensures that you will play real people and not bots.

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Monthly and yearly competition where players rank in total and average points per game. Total rankings go all the way back to March 2015.

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Play anywhere

Seamless login using Google Play Services allows you to share progress across all your Android devices. Play on your tablet at home or on your phone on the go.

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No waiting

Play time is limited to 12 seconds per card. If a player has connection problems or leaves mid-game, the server AI will play their turn until they get back online.

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Detailed stats

The app keeps track of win / lose ratio, average points per game, win streaks, achievements and more. Players are matched by their rank and playing speed.

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Game rules, ranks, achievements