Terms of service

Last update: 2023-03-22

By accessing our web servers and applications, you agree with the following terms

Player accounts

In order to track player's progress in games, each player has an account. Each account has some amount of virtual currency assigned to it (ex. coins). Bigosaur reserves the right to terminate your account at any time without a prior warning. The reason would be stated if requested. Typical reasons for account termination are: insulting other players or Bigosaur staff; trying to game the software in ways not acknowledged in the game rules; trying to present yourself as another player; manipulating the game in any way, including playing with multiple accounts in order to gain advantage over other players.

Your account has to be your own, and you should not allow other persons to use it. You are responsible for any action done using your account. We are not responsible for any damages you might incure by not adhering to the rules listed above.

Bigosaur can limit the access to the game to your account, or one or a range of IP addresses, without informing you about it or alerting you in advance. Bigosaur will not be resposible to you, or any 3rd party due to restriction imposed on your access to the servers or any information or files.

Virtual currency

Bigosaur games are games of skill. Although some games might have an element of luck, there are no monetary gains possible. Bigosaur games are not gambling related. Virtual currency is only spent to play the games and access the system. The goal of the game is to have fun.

Playing each game requires a certain amount of coins. Coins can be acquired for free or bought. In games that require coins, coins are deducted from your account the moment you are added to the game as a player. The coins are not returned if you leave the game, even if it is due to technical reasons which are not under our control, like lost connectivity, computer shutdown, or whatever other reason.

Website and Application Content

Website Content includes HTML, CSS and JavaScript code, as well as graphics and sound files available on our servers. Application include the program code, as well as graphics and sound files. All Content is intellectual property of Bigosaur with All Rights Reserved, unless specifically noted otherwise. Using any of the Content by 3rd parties outside Bigosaur products is strictly prohibited, unless you have written permission to do so.

Changes to Terms of Service

Bigosaur reserves the right to update these Terms of Service in the future. For your convenience, we provide the date of last update at the start of this document, so that you can rewise it.